The Utopia we all dream of living in, the freedom of spacial transportation without leaving your home, having any look, voice, or appearance one could wish. Being anonymous and being the hero or villain of your own story. Where the poor and the wealthy both had access to the same plane and world. A technology advancement for all, where the poor could become rich, the ugly could become beautiful, the plain absurd and the lonely consoled. A freedom for all. The OASIS for all the travelers of the deserted earth to find and stop and rest.
A sanctuary from the harsh life our main character lives, "I'd always had a roof over my head and more than enough food to eat. And I had the OASIS... that is what saved me" (Cline, 19). Though his past was rough and his current condition has seemed to detoriate from bad to worse he still has his virtual utopia and sanctuary to return to.
Though this sounds fantastic and world changing, the world had truly changed, and for the worst. Over population, energy crisis, rampaging disease, war of the nations with deadly bombs. Stealing, and poverty, unnecessary death and rape. Even the worse of government corruptions all lays outside the visor that people constantly wear. Their own world deteriorating around them.
It would be sad to say I would want to visit and have the Oasis, but without the consequences of the dying earth. But, who knows. maybe Ernest Cline is a really good fortune teller and saw the chances of the world going down hill as our technology advances. We already have virtual reality Vive and Oculus, we also have the possibilities of global warming and empty politics. Lets just hope we improve both ends of the scale, to have a utopia both on earth and in our virtual worlds.
The Good Reads page for this novel, with back of cover, reviews and details.
The page for the Movie Production information of this book!
Very interesting post, Kay. I love that the book has captivated your thoughts and memories so much that you can come up with such a thought-provoking post as this. I also like how you made the page more interesting by adding in links and pictures