Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Slowing ending with Rising Action- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Post #3)

Sadly, as with all books and stories there is a beginning... and an end. Though this books end doesn't end. Without spoilers all I can say is that it give you a good amount of room to fantasize the future past page 372. Many people may not like an open ending but I personally love them. As well as how this ending has enough closure to satisfy the book as well as enough openness to not allow the story to die. A pleasure filled ending for both ends of the black and white spectrum to enjoy.

Drawing up with the ending action drew me to the edge of my seat, yet it was because it was slowing and drawing. Details becoming incriminating. Words becoming expressive. My breathing stopped. It draws it out to the end, not as if it was a drag but as if it was a long note before the pow at the end of a concert. Letting the chord of the story line ring and fight to the last valiant breath. A very hard still to handle and is don't masterfully within this novel.

If I have any advice for you for this book, it would be, READ IT! It lets your imagination spawn freely, yet with guidelines of familiarity. There is mystery and romance and of course lots of science fiction action. A cracker that can take good with any cheese. Though it may be a saltine, I find that I am not upset with the book angry, but smiling for the joy of reading it. It made me feel intellectual and consider the real questions of life while at the same time bringing about the page turning affect that every great best selling novel should have.

I am lost on words, but not on appreciation, for the book and the author. I wish to spill all my appreciation to you but I don't wish to spill any spoilers to you. Just... just... READ IT! I am thankful for all my friends who insisted that I read this novel, I would have blasted through it in a day or two if I had the time. Now stop reading this and go read the book!

Image result for ready player one

The first two chapters of the novel so you can... READ IT!

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