Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bright as a Star- Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli

It's been a while since I have been truly inspired, I don't mean like "inspired" but more so inspired. You know? Like inspired enough to convince myself to write a happy poem, or to wear that suit to school, or even try out for the talent show. Not giving a care in world what most people think. This is because I want to be a Star Girl. This book opened up compartments of my heart that I didn't know existed! It's a novel that takes place in mostly modern times and is realistic fiction as a new girl, a strange girl, a unique girl, arrives at a new school, a normal school, a boring school, and flip it right side up and upside down again. Bringing such confidence to the school the kids at first are shy and then come to adore her, then worship her. Until... well, something happens.

She is herself comfortably and loves herself endlessly, until she is questioned but she never looses sight herself. This is a Star Girl, a person who shines so bright and is so different that no one can understand them half the time and question them at the other times. And it's wonderful. 

It is a pretty short ready and always keeps you entranced by a wondrous prospect of a normal world, that I was confused how I was even liking it! No, loving it. Please do read, it was a good inspirational message to send with myself out to the world. And you too can be a Star Girl.
Read the book yourself and get inspired!
Jerry Spinelli's page to look at the many more books he has wrote.
The Audio book to listen to as you go through your day 

1 comment:

  1. Great intro to your book you're reading and the book cover picture and links add to it well. Just be sure to answer all parts of the prompt I posted on schoology :) I like your blog page!
