Friday, November 25, 2016

Emotions Only Crawl After You Fall from a Climb- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (Post #2) (Best Sellers)

Books are magical gate ways to not only another world but into ourselves. We experience the books within our selves, the emotions the memories- we draw them in and tie them into our own personal stories. Emotions are what ties us to what we consider as a "great book". Emotional connections is what makes us human and connects us to astounding memories, inspiring people, and sad places. If writing on a page can bring this to us tears or giggles or beaming smiles of pride we connect ourselves to that story.

I, being a very emotional person, have a lot of book leave lasting effects on me. Though this book is amazing in its imagery that it doesn't just make it cry- it wretches my heart. The Book Thief did't only make me laugh- it make my stomach hurt. This story didn't only make me smile- it made my eyes soften and teeth shine. But of all things this story has done to me; it hasn't only made me feel morally sick- it has given me sleepless nights of ponderment,

I love this book for it's empowering dialogue and imagery, though it makes me hate the story for the same reason. Not "hate" as in burn the book and curse to the author. More so "hate" as in to want to hold it close and whisper that "it will get better... it will get better" though in my foreshadowing I can promise it will not.

Being half way through the book I just want to swallow my fear and finish it, the climb of emotion has been constant... the question is, "where will I fall?"
The Wikipedia page for the book
Spark Notes for the book if you need aid in understanding the content.

Monday, November 7, 2016

New Starts, New Voices, New Font- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (Post #1) (Best Sellers)

A voice inside a story, a narrator that I personally interact with. This is amazing... I feel like this book would spread its pages and hugs me if it wasn't for the spine that holds it still and bound. It starts with a small chat between me and the narrator and how he perceives the world. With interesting texts and questions posed to me. As he talks of the overlaying story arc of the book, books being stolen and taken- as we follow the true main character through her life hood. This interested chat dialogue that looks different from every other word on the page continues throughout the book. It is fascinating, inviting and does help with staying connected with the book. This below is a small example of how the text breaks up. 

"* * * HERE IS A SMALL FACT * * *
You are going to die."
(Page 1)

It is truly interesting to hear the background voice behind the writing, to which makes the story both more entertaining as well as involving. Each page where I see these tiny dialogue facts I have to hold myself to keep from racing through the story to get to it. While just in the beginning its just statements about me, affecting me, not a character in the book. It draws me into this very sad and love filled book. Many themes that are presented in this short opening reflects common ideas that follow through the rest of the book, e.i. colors, words, death, peace. 

This was effective for the author to start his novel this way, for when I started reading the connectedness to the story drew me in as well as stating the plot of the overall book with just enough vague but specific details to make me crave to continue reading. It brings me into the book, provides a general plot, specific themes as well as a very perplexing and philosophic narrator. I wouldn't change it in anyway. 

Image result for book thief

The Site for the book, with author information, movie trailer as well as interviews. 

The good reads page for the book. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Questionable Freedom- Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld (Post #2) (Best Sellers)

I am entranced by not only the drawings but the descriptions that inspired the drawings themselves. The two very similar yet very different worlds of the two main characters is splendid. As one tries to run away from a true past towards a fabricated future and the other is running towards a new future from a fabricated past. Though both struggle along with their own circumstances of the same conflict; being able to blend in and interact within the environment of which they have been interjected into. Taking on a new role in the new 'world' they are apart.

This story ties in the two character together very well, even though they haven't even met yet. So when they do come into confrontation, assuming that they will, it will be very interesting to watch their interactions. This book is thought provoking on the ideas of the past being different and where we are today never existing. 

Leviathan is a very good starting novel to the series and I am totally tied into and geared into the story which is being played out, curious about what character changes and plot points will develop. I'm not positive if it will be high flying or smooth sailing but I am ready.

Image result for leviathan book

An amazing book trailer to show off the art style and conceal the secrets of this amazing book. 

Amazon page to order the novel!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Praise for Patterson- Maximum Ride by James Patterson (Best Sellers)

Series are one of the greatest things that have ever happened to the reading community. It opens up the pretense for a book to a have longer story without being off putting by a huge numerical amounts of pages. Also, if the reader does not like the first book in the series they don't have to continue, but the author has a continued 'excuse' to continue writing this story. Allowing for more character development, plot twists, dynamic dialogue and a` deeper view into the world of their lyrical creation.

One series that I could not put down and still can't stop revisiting is a young adult series about winged children who have to escape the hands of experimentation. The flock of them must travel around in hopes of finding out their past and a future home. But no matter where they turn and hide or fight, trouble finds them. The Maximum Ride series by James Patterson, a well love and skilled artist. I picked it up on a whim and thanks to his amazing story telling voice of drama, suspense and action, I can't resist any book he has wrote, young adult and adult.

This book was a fantastical tie of the modern era with the conspiracy theory fantasy we all question now and again. The world compromised of realism that makes the fantasy aspects horrifying real at time adds a spice of questioning my own life into the book, which I love. Also, there is not only 1-2 main characters, there are 6-7 different main characters, each with their own backgrounds, story mechanics, voices in writing, dynamic personalities and personal specialties. Most books that have so many characters either end one of two ways: is was too confusing, sounds really forced. Though Mr. Patterson is well crafted in intermingling the characters so we learn on our own and fall in love with the characters.

My only complaint, if I had to come out with any, is that this is a very specific type of story and writing, with a lot of surface information with deep veins of thought, foreshadowing, and conspiracy. Not everyone can read this book and enjoy it as much as I did, because though it is an easy read, there is a lot of between the line information you cannot miss, so pay attention.

I highly suggest this series for if you have the time to get sucked in an binge in a conspiracy-fantasy-realistic-teen series. Because I certainly did and am glad that I did.

All the book in the series (except for the new novel that came out recently- Maximum Ride Forever)
Information about the series on the author's page!
Wiki page for the series.
Good reads reviews with very high scores of 4.5-5 stars!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A New Spark- Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld (Post 1) (Best Sellers)

Scott Westerfeld is one of my favorite artists of all times, okay okay, before you get your knickers in a bunch let me explain. He is an author and writes novels, many many many, novels- though to me I see him as an artist of sorts. Sculpture of worlds, painter of stories, doodler of dialogue, if you will. If any of you recall I have previously blogged about Uglies to which was a very in-depth and interesting Sci-fi story of its own caliber. Though now to take a movement away from future utopia's to have a spyglass look at the fascinating realm of steampunk and war. A concoction of words and interests that I cannot wait to intake. Leviathan came after the production of the entire Uglies series. Though we will dive into this ocean of crazy fascination of gears and half breeds later. (As well as a possible history lesson on steampunk.)

The author is the backbone and breath of a book, they support it and blow life upon its pages. Mr. Westerfeld has a multitude of novels out, the knowledge and style of his writing pushing him forward. With a strong fascination in Science-fiction most of his books follow this same trend, most books falling into trilogies and additional texts for young adults to read. A reason for the love of science fiction could be due to the interactions he had with his father. His father was a computer programmer and worked with planes, submarines and even the Apollo Missions.

What fascinates me is that when we started writing, or rather composing, pieces they were modern dance music. Being, myself, a lover of both textual and musical writing this helps me connect with the author even more, he helps me aspire to move forward with my writing in both of the fields I plan to study. When later along he started writing adult novels, then YA novels later in his life; landing in a New York Best Selling Author. Somewhere along he met and married a fellow author, Justine Larbalestier. (If I ever get the chance I would love to ask what his home life is like...)

He sends off vibes of being formal as well as scheduled. His entire webpage just holds the dates of his appearances, question boards, and book information. Very limited personal touches except for the slate grey, cracked, background of the page: which is inspired by his most recent novel Zeroes.

I can't wait to dive into another rendition of science-fiction, written by the great and wonderful Scott Westerfeld.

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The series information page that is on Westerfeld's website
Scott Westereld's Wiki page for more information

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Slowing ending with Rising Action- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Post #3)

Sadly, as with all books and stories there is a beginning... and an end. Though this books end doesn't end. Without spoilers all I can say is that it give you a good amount of room to fantasize the future past page 372. Many people may not like an open ending but I personally love them. As well as how this ending has enough closure to satisfy the book as well as enough openness to not allow the story to die. A pleasure filled ending for both ends of the black and white spectrum to enjoy.

Drawing up with the ending action drew me to the edge of my seat, yet it was because it was slowing and drawing. Details becoming incriminating. Words becoming expressive. My breathing stopped. It draws it out to the end, not as if it was a drag but as if it was a long note before the pow at the end of a concert. Letting the chord of the story line ring and fight to the last valiant breath. A very hard still to handle and is don't masterfully within this novel.

If I have any advice for you for this book, it would be, READ IT! It lets your imagination spawn freely, yet with guidelines of familiarity. There is mystery and romance and of course lots of science fiction action. A cracker that can take good with any cheese. Though it may be a saltine, I find that I am not upset with the book angry, but smiling for the joy of reading it. It made me feel intellectual and consider the real questions of life while at the same time bringing about the page turning affect that every great best selling novel should have.

I am lost on words, but not on appreciation, for the book and the author. I wish to spill all my appreciation to you but I don't wish to spill any spoilers to you. Just... just... READ IT! I am thankful for all my friends who insisted that I read this novel, I would have blasted through it in a day or two if I had the time. Now stop reading this and go read the book!

Image result for ready player one
The first two chapters of the novel so you can... READ IT!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Number 1 in the Ranks, Book and Player- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Post 3) (Best Sellers)

Books are all equal in my eyes, the extensive 14 part series of R. A. Salvatore, the short happy childhood books of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, even the dusty encyclopedia of Chinese history. A small hand written childhood tale is equal in comparison to the best sellers on the shelves of Barnes and Nobles. Though to critics and common public may not agree, for some books fade to the back shelves of used stores while others get rereleased and sold nation wide, as a best seller.

Ready Player One was a best seller back from 2012. A "Best Seller" book has a wide ranged definitions and qualifications, praise being able to come from national publishers, to reading blog, all the way to amazon and other online shops. Though the numbers may be skewed for multiple sources a best seller is known more as a book that is sold in large and vast amounts across whatever platform they are on.

Similar to how Wade is the most popular and followed OASIS character in the novel, at one point the book he was in was the most popular book said by the New York Times. Though just as Wade's fame may last for a small while so do books, as many are published and written and sold each hour, the chances of being a best seller are wide and yet slim.

This is because a best seller can be of many different types: Company, Critic Rating, Stores, Online webpages, and even the work from the publishers assumptions. Not only that but best sellers could be for different lengths of time, like "of the day" or "Of the decade", or for different genres, "horror" and "Sci-fi Romance", not even the mention the best seller of a particular author. The variations and ability to become a best selling novel is end less.

To be clarified as a best seller is all set be different standards on different platforms, though is usually the book that has sold the most copies in a set period of time. It must be accepted by that group for being the best seller. Writing a best seller may seem hard at first, especially if you aim to be a best seller for the New York Times or Barnes and Nobles- the book should be relatable, well written, and loved by the people. While on Amazon you can sell three copies of a fake novel and become a best seller... talk about the differences of regulations.

Books, once they become a well known best seller can remain a best seller for a long amount of time, The DaVinci Code perchance is still discussed today, Harry Potter series is a common and well known and loved series, where each book was a best selling and loved world of magic and imagination. Where some other best sellers like, The Seeress of Kell has faded into the boughs of time.

Just as with Harry Potter's world, many best selling novels later passed into becoming great selling movies, while others made a horrible representation of the novel that was more well beloved. Just as one of my favorite series, The Owls of Ga'hoole Series the movie was a poor, out of order, sadly represented and poorly directed movie, but with a great soundtrack. I just hope they don't mess of my book too, Ernest Cline would not be proud.

For even though many books in the eyes of the public are forgotten and poorly written, I love all book as if they were best sellers.

Image result for ready player one
Updates and information on the production of this movie
The New York Times list of best sellers to find more interesting books