Once she started jumping universes something occurred to me, thought it's an extent, it reminded me of Thw Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborn. The brother and sister Jack and Anne traveled to different time periods in a tree house, while Ruby travels to another parallel universe inside of a tree. Both groups of people travel to a place they shouldn't actually be in, have an adventure, then return home inside their tree/treehouse. "Really, only one thing makes sense. Only one course of action feels like the right choice: Head back to the tree, and get the hell out of here." (Bishara, 55) With this quote she is on edge to get back to her universe using the tree, while in The Magic Tree House: The Knight at Dawn- Book 2 ""We can't stay here," said Jack. "We have to go home and make a plan first." He picked up the book about Pennsylvania. He opened it to the page with the red silk bookmark." (Osborn, 13). Both Ruby and Jack want to go home from these other places they visited, with the tree.
In many ways this book reminds me of the real world, though its in the fantasy genre. Ruby is mad that her mother died and his her father is going to marry Willow, and making Willow's daughter, Kandy, her step sister. Many people, I would believe, would be angry at their parent for moving on after the other died. We would all wish for a miracle to happen and our dead relative to return to us, like Ruby does. "That I'm wondering how different my life would be at this very moment if mom had survived that car crash 11 years ago, when I was four. She got hit hard, but her dependable Volvo weathered the impact. She had her seatbelt on. It wasn't an airbag malfunction or anything else that might make sense. No. It was an airborne windshield wiper- propelled with arrow accuracy and speed- that skewered her esophagus. If it hadn't been for that windshield wiper, I wouldn't have a stepmother or a stepsister. I wouldn't have moved to Ohio. I wouldn't be standing in this room right now. Action and reaction." (Bishara, 13) She blames her mom dying for the condition she is in.
I also feel that dread of a relative dying in a car crash, for my older sister Megan died in such a way, except she was only a baby at the time. Just like the quote i used in the previous paragraph, Ruby is curious of how her life would b if her mother survived the car crash. As I am curious about how my life would be now and was if she as still alive today with me. Would I have moved to Mason? Would I be living in apartment? Would my younger sister Bria ever have existed? Would i be here? Those questions I can't answer, cause I can't change the past, or bring Megan back.
Shows the back cover of the book for you to read, and see if you become interested as well.
Thanks for sharing your text to self connection. I'm sorry about your sister. One of the wonderful things about literature is the ability to connect to someone else's story and to come to terms with matters of one's personal life through observance of a similar occurence happening to characters. C.S. Lewis said, "We read to know we are not alone." Life can be tough, but talking with others or reading about others who have undergone a similar situation, can sometimes bring comfort.